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BLUES AND ROOTS TRIO - Fred Lani, Renaud Lesire and Gerry Fiévé

Zaterdag, 12 Oktober 8.30 pm

Fred Lani (van Fred & the Healers): Guitar, Vocals
Renaud Lesire: Guitar, Bass, Harmonica, Vocals
Gerry Fiévé: Drums, Percussion

Fred Lani has been voted Best European Blues Artist at the age of only 17 by numerous magazines. Fred masters the ‘old school’- blues majestically and mixes it with his own developed virtuoso style.
So buckle up for a guitar master class.

Renaud Lesire & Gerry Fiévé
Multi-instrumentalist Renaud and drummer Gerry - the master of shuffle - have backed up international artists like Willie Big Eyes Smith, Lazy Lester, Keith Dunn, Al Copley, Manu Dibango, Reggie Johnson, Georgie Fame, Jake La the frontman with Little Hook, Well Well Well, Harmony Two Tones...real blues chameleons !

TICKETS in voorverkoop: 20 € (MET EEN DRANKKAART VAN 5 € INBEGREPEN) --- TICKETS aan kassa: 20 € --- Voorverkoop door storting van 20 € op rekening van Anne Van Vreckem BE64 4221 0556 4152 - vermeld je naam en BLUES TRIO; je krijgt je drankbon van 5 € aan de ingang

Spaghetti vanaf 18 uur, graag bestellen via sms naar Anneke: 0473 99 10 13

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